But are you a Doctor, bringing your healing arts to those who need them most, or a Politico, introducing law to the lawless wilds?

Looking for something more subtle? As a Colonist, you'll play as one of the Core World's elite, an educated Imperial citizen seeking a new life far from the bustle of Imperial Center.
Let it turn the generator and have it run on electricity' Now. Or, you might master the wilderness of countless worlds as a Survivalist, and specialize in tracking your prey wherever he chooses to hide. After the war, I thought I could get a job as an airline pilot, but you had to have a. As a Bounty Hunter, you might take on the Gadgeteer specialization, and keep a trick up your sleeve for every possible challenge. To begin, you'll take the role of one of eight unique species, then choose a career and specialization as distinctive as your individual play style. With little law or order on the Outer Rim, you must rely on your innate abilities, trained skills, and special talents to survive. During these adventures, you and your fellow fringers will often find yourselves facing any number of challenges, from repairing a damaged starship or slicing your way past a security panel to exchanging blaster fire with hired gunmen out to collect a bounty.

Whether thats good or bad depends on your perspective its something fresh, but it takes additional time to learn. In an Edge of the Empire campaign, bounty hunters, smugglers, mercenaries, and explorers not only rub elbows with doctors, politicians, and scholars, but they find themselves thrust into adventures alongside them. Since this books release, weve seen newer Star Wars tabletop adventures, like Edge of the Empire, which branches out and provides different stats and abilities than D&D players will be used to. In control of a character exploring the Outer Rim, you'll do business in places where morality is gray and nothing is certain, living on the fringes of both the galaxy and its society. 'Star Wars Sketch Cards Cantina' by antonvandort. Take a look at some of the creations below, or create your own. Star Wars: Edge of the Empire is a roleplaying game that captures the visionary essence of the Star Wars universe, while focusing on its grim and gritty corners. SWSheets is a community for creating, managing, and sharing your characters for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars role-playing game. Many beings live through grit, determination, exploration, and often illicit or dangerous activities. It takes a great deal of cunning, drive, and luck to survive, let alone get ahead in life. Money, food, and other necessities are often in short supply. Life isn't easy at the edge of galactic civilization. Explore the Galaxy from a Whole New Perspective "If there's a bright center to the universe, you're on the planet that it's farthest from." –Luke Skywalker